COVID-19 has come to impact the lives of millions of people; 50%-60% of COVID infected patients may be left with long-term lung complications amongst complications to other organs. These include shortness of breath, persistent coughing, asthma-like symptoms, and lung inflammation of varying degrees that may ultimately lead to irreversible lung scarring. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential in the immediate post-COVID phases of disease.
We are able to evaluate your condition using X-ray studies and complete PULMONARY FUNCTION TESTING EQUIPMENT. WE ARE YOUR PRIMARY POST-COVID LUNG TESTING FACILITY. We will complete your tests and forward this information to your primary care provider, or should you prefer, we’ll evaluate your studies, examine you and provide treatment for your condition.
We accept all medical insurance payments and all credit cards. Federal grants may be available if you have no insurance. Please notify our office if you are uninsured. Also, we are able to see patients within 24 hours.
Pulmonary Function Testing Equipment

Insurance Policy
Please call your insurance company or our office to confirm that we accept your insurance.
Please note that under COVID-19 regulations you may have your COVID-19 medical conditions covered by a government grant. Please let our office know if you have had COVID-19, and your medical insurance status. Our office can make arrangements for reimbursement of medical treatment through this grant.